The bathroom faucet was dripping. It was easy to find the remedy on YouTube and watch a four-minute video to refresh my memory on how to replace the cartridge under the spigot. Having renovated two 100-year-plus-old homes, I feel comfortable doing a bit of plumbing, or electrical, or construction work. Similarly, my RN wife is great at patching me up if I get a scrape or cut, but we both know our limits. Once it passes the “serious” boundary, we call a professional.
Once it passes the “serious” boundary, we call a pro.
The legal complexities of life are difficult to understand. An 18 year old with few assets may think a form will online will provide all he/she needs, it may provide protection in the end. A form will can be a starting point, but as properties accumulate and become more diverse (401k account, IRA’s, titled vehicles, life insurance plan), it is important to visit with an attorney.
A simple will costs less than most families pay per year for a cable bill, and includes both legal advice and initial planning support that will begin the process of estate planning for a lifetime. Estate planning is not a one-off event. It is a journey because things change. People pass away, financial situations fluxuate, and priorities evolve as life progresses.
People pass away, financial situations change, and priorities evolve as life progresses.
Avoid online form wills and other legal products offered by legal services companies, no matter how visually appealing the icons or bots that accompany them. Instead, give Johnson Legal, LLC a call, or contact Fortress Law at for simple and more affordable options. We can help you begin your planning process.
Give us a call and we’ll visit with you about your options over a cup of coffee.